Friday, June 4, 2010

Practical Information in Kuwait

Practical Information in Kuwait
Money is the Kuwaiti "Dinar", KD, and it is equivalent to about $3US. Check the current conversion rate for an exact figure. Coins are "fils" where 1000 fils equals 1KD. Kuwait it a very wealthy society, clean and modern with a mix of cultures and people.
Kuwait is a Muslim country and follows Sharia Law, the basis of Islamic religion, as set forth in The Quran. People who's faith is Christianity are free to practice - in fact some Kuwaitis are Christian. Observance of the Muslim Holy Month of Ramadaan, must be followed, which means that eating, drinking, and smoking in public are strictly prohibited until after sunset. Failure to comply can result in fines and jail time. Pork, pornography, alcohol and drugs are also illegal and such rules are heavily enforced.

Many Kuwaiti women are "covered" (wearing an abia and hijab, a black "robe" from head to toe. Kuwaiti men wear white "robes") and therefore all women should dress conservatively avoiding short skirts, shorts or sleeveless clothes. Some western men do wear shorts when shopping, but it is not recommended such might notice they attract disapproving glances. Women should also avoid staring or smiling at Arab men, since this is a showing of interest and will be taken as such. On the upside, crime is low and women are safe to walk about without fear. Many travel books warn of "harrassment" towards women, but this is misleading. Arab men may show an interest in talking to or dating a western woman, especially blondes, but ignoring any such interest will quickly give them the message.

Take care when sitting to never let the sole of your shoe face directly at another person since this is a sign of insult and avoid taking photographs of Kuwaiti people without permission, especially women.

Kuwait has long, hot, dry summers and shorter, sometimes wet winters. Temperatures easily reach 140 F during summer and most shops close down year round at lunch-time (1pm-4:30pm). The weekend is Thursday and Friday. Friday being the holy day of Jumaah for community prayers at the mosques, followed by lunch and visiting friends (equivalent to the Christian Sunday) so stores are closed until 4.30pm. It is best to check hours of operation before venturing out. However, there are some 24 hour stores and super-markets, as well as all night internet cafes. Thursday in Kuwait is "couples night", when spouses treat wives to an evening out, as most people not working during such evenings and they take their children shopping, to parks, zoo, beach picnics, entertainment sites, restaurants etc.

Arabic is the official language although English is widely understood and most larger signs are posted in English and Arabic. Both the Kuwait Times and Arab Times publish daily newspapers in English and their "What's On" pages provide a good source for local events.

The local currency is the Kuwaiti Dinar (KWD)

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